Coffee Not Only Invigorates, But Also Protects Against Cancer

Coffee Not Only Invigorates, But Also Protects Against Cancer
Coffee Not Only Invigorates, But Also Protects Against Cancer

Regular coffee drinking can significantly reduce the risk of developing liver and uterine cancer, according to a new study by the World Health Organization (WHO). Her subordinate International Agency for Research on Cancer issued a report a few days later that drinking coffee also protects against bladder cancer.

The WHO bases this claim on more than 500 studies looking at the link between cancer and drinking different types of hot drinks such as tea, coffee and the popular South American herbal drink mate.

Also, the main team of the organization, summarizing all the data, found that drinking coffee significantly reduces the risk factors for pancreatic, breast and prostate cancer.

However, no evidence has been found for another 20 cancers that the risk of developing them can be reduced with frequent coffee consumption.

This is great news, confirmed by so many independent and highly respected scientists, and is of great importance to coffee drinkers, said Bill Murray immediately after the news spread. He is president of the National Coffee Association.


Despite the joy among the coffee industry, the WHO report said a direct link was found between the development of throat cancer and drinking very hot beverages.

The results showed us that frequent consumption of extremely hot drinks can cause cancer of the esophagus and throat. Our recommendation is to drink two coffees a day, but at a slightly higher room temperature, says Dr. Christopher Wilde, director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer.

Doctors explain that despite the announced results, people should not give up hot tea or other hot drinks. Many of the drinks have a number of proven health benefits. The doctor's advice is to leave the drinks for a few minutes to cool down just before consumption.
