We Buy More Expensive Tomatoes And Peaches In August

We Buy More Expensive Tomatoes And Peaches In August
We Buy More Expensive Tomatoes And Peaches In August

An inspection of the Bulgarian National Television on the capital's markets shows that since the beginning of August buying more expensive peaches and tomatoes, although according to the Commission on Commodity Exchanges and Markets prices are unchanged.

But there is a reduction in the price of sugar and oil. However, the inspection shows that food in Sofia is generally more expensive this year.

For the high price of tomatoes wines have a rainy summer. The first tomatoes on the market were at normal prices for the season, but the rains from the end of June and in July damaged the harvest, which affected the prices of vegetables.

The price per kilogram of greenhouse tomatoes is on average BGN 1.40, and for comparison last year their price was BGN 1.08.

In the case of tomatoes grown in open areas, the difference is even greater. In August last year, a kilogram of them was sold for BGN 0.89, and this August their price is BGN 1.29.

The year was not good for both apricots and peaches. The price of peaches has jumped by an average of BGN 0.30 per kilogram. Last summer, a kilogram of them was sold for BGN 0.96, and this August they are for an average of BGN 1.23 per kilogram.

Most of the peaches on the market are Greek, as 20% of Bulgarian production has been destroyed. The grapes are also Greek, and the first Bulgarian grapes are expected on the market in September.

Of the basic foods, cow's butter registered a higher price increase, jumping from BGN 1.74 to BGN 2.36 per package.

Sugar has fallen in price - from BGN 1.56 per kilogram to BGN 1.05 per kilogram, which is explained by its lower price on world markets.
