Can Food Packaging Be Harmful To Health?

Can Food Packaging Be Harmful To Health?
Can Food Packaging Be Harmful To Health?

People who are brought up to take care of their health check the content of food on the labels of goods in the store before buying a food product.

This is a measure that can protect a person from consuming inappropriate foods. The advice of all nutritionists is not to buy anything of unknown origin, ie without indications on the label what it contains.

In addition to these measures, people almost never ask themselves another question - whether the packaging of the food they buy is completely harmless, and whether what is placed in a food can have a detrimental effect on health. At first glance, no. The packaging always removed before consumption. In fact, it turns out that neglecting this issue can have unpleasant consequences.

Can food packaging be harmful to health?
Can food packaging be harmful to health?

They are found in the packages chemicals with harmful effects on the brain. This fact was established by Swedish scientists from the Medical Institute of Carlbad. They examined mainly pregnant women and the results were tracked over time.

The monitored pregnant women are over 700, which makes them a representative sample. They were in the first trimester of pregnancy. From the blood samples of the volunteers, the available chemicals contained in the plastic packaging in which the used products were stored by the pregnant women were analyzed.

The tested substances are bisphenol A, pesticides, phthalates and others. The damage they cause is known. Bisphenols, for example, destroy the human endocrine glands.

The study continued after the birth of the children of these women. The high levels of chemicals found in the mothers' blood resulted in a lower IQ of their 7-year-old children. It is an interesting fact that the chemicals had a stronger effect on the boys, with bisphenol A having the most severe effect on them.

The results of the impact of the rest of the chemistry, which is abundant in household items, have also caused concern among scientists. Such are the pesticides in antibacterial soap, as well as some phthalates in cosmetics. All this shows that the struggle for clean products will be difficult, they have occupied our whole lives.
