Process The Meat So That It Is Not Only Tasty But Also Useful

Process The Meat So That It Is Not Only Tasty But Also Useful
Process The Meat So That It Is Not Only Tasty But Also Useful

Meat is one of the products that are present on our table every day. From it a person receives complete proteins necessary for the construction and repair of tissues. Meat is very well absorbed by the body.

In lean meats, the quality of the protein is reduced. It contains more connective tissue proteins. However, they have less nutritional and biological value. The composition of fats has also changed - the amount of water in adipose tissue has increased. Fatty meat contains less protein.

Meat is a source of mineral salts that are good for the body. It contains almost all B vitamins. It also contains choline, which has antisclerotic action. There is also a small amount of vitamin A.

The liver can be called a storehouse of vitamins. The content of vitamin B is 20 times more than in meat, and vitamin A is almost 1000 times more. Consumption of only 25 grams of liver can provide the daily requirement of vitamin A and most of the B vitamins.

Here are some tips for working with meat products:

- The meat should be washed very quickly before cutting, because some of the food juices will pass into the water;


- In order to keep its nice color when grilling, it is good to dry it with a dry towel after washing;

- The meat is cut easier and thinner if placed for about an hour in the refrigerator compartment;

- Lean meat will taste better if it is larded with bacon. For this purpose, the bacon should be placed in the refrigerator compartment to freeze slightly. Then with a sharp knife cut into thin sticks. In order not to slip the bacon on the fingers during larding, it is good to dip them in salt;

- When the meat is from an old animal, it is good to marinate for about 30 minutes with 3 tablespoons of rum or cognac. Thus, in addition to cooking faster, it will become fragrant and juicy;

- Fresh pork from a freshly slaughtered animal is not suitable for roasting.
