They Debunked The Myth That Coffee Invigorates

They Debunked The Myth That Coffee Invigorates
They Debunked The Myth That Coffee Invigorates

If you are a regular consumer of coffee and you wonder why the bitter drink does not approve of you in the morning, this has its logical explanation. Caffeine addiction acts as a sedative. That is why people who raise the cup of coffee too often, it will come a time when the liquid in it will not wake you up.

This is shown by the results of a British study, quoted by Reuters.

Regular coffee consumers develop tolerance to the stimulant effect of caffeine and to the effect associated with anxiety. What does this mean? The drink returns its consumers to the initial levels of vigilance, not to the levels of greater vigilance.

The study by researchers at the University of Bristol included 379 elderly people, half of whom were low-caffeine consumers or no caffeine users at all. The rest are medium or large consumers.

The scientists stopped the coffee of some of the participants for a period of 16 hours. Participants then took caffeine or placebo. And then they had to assess their levels of anxiety, vigilance and headaches.

They debunked the myth that coffee invigorates
They debunked the myth that coffee invigorates

Medium and large caffeine users who took placebo reported increased alertness and headaches. However, this was not stated by the participants who consumed caffeine.

Experts have established something else. Namely, that people who are genetically predisposed to anxiety are reluctant to avoid coffee. "Participants who have a genetic variation associated with anxiety tend to consume slightly larger amounts of coffee," said study leader Peter Rodgers.
