Coffee Protects Against Breast Cancer

Coffee Protects Against Breast Cancer
Coffee Protects Against Breast Cancer

Here is another useful property for your favorite morning coffee, dear ladies! Women who drink the most popular hot drink in the world are protected from an aggressive form of breast cancer.

The conclusion was made by Swedish scientists, who reassure that women who regularly drink the black drink are much less likely to develop negative estrogen-receptor breast cancer. Especially if they drink five or more glasses a day.

Most drugs are not effective in this type of tumor, which is why chemotherapy often remains the only option.

Women who drink coffee are less likely to develop breast cancer than those who rarely drink the approval drink, scientists from the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm are adamant.

They studied nearly 6,000 postmenopausal women. Those who drank five or more glasses a day were 57% less likely to develop breast cancer than those who drank less than one glass a day.


The researchers also found that coffee slightly reduced the risk of all other types of breast cancer, but that link was negligible when other factors such as age and weight were taken into account.

A study by the Mayo Clinic a few months ago found that drinking more than two and a half cups of coffee a day reduces your risk of uterine cancer.

Uterine cancer is the most common and aggressive cancer of the female reproductive organs. The protective properties of coffee against the disease have not been found in other caffeine-rich foods and beverages such as chocolate and tea, for example.

Other, older studies have shown that coffee reduces the risk of other cancers - prostate cancer and liver cancer.
