They Also Introduce A Standard For School Food

They Also Introduce A Standard For School Food
They Also Introduce A Standard For School Food

Kindergartens and schools are next on the list of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, which will be required to comply with certain nutrition standards. This will be one of the main priorities of the newly formed Food Agency.

"We will gradually replace croissants with fruits and vegetables, semi-finished products should disappear from the children's kitchen, and fats will be reduced. It should be clear what should not be eaten in kindergartens and what is useful, "explained the Minister of Agriculture.

In case the government department takes responsibility for the healthy growth and nutrition of Bulgarian children, educational institutions will be obliged to buy and cook the most expensive and useful products on the market.

According to Minister Naydenov, it is high time to stop the practice of schools and kindergartens to buy the cheapest and respectively the lowest quality food.

Unfortunately, at the moment these are part of the many ideas of the government. The responsible institutions did not commit to a deadline for the introduction of food standards in educational institutions.


Since 2008, the EU has been providing Bulgaria with money for milk. And since 2011 and fruit. However, the absorption of funds for these healthy money products in our country is more than unsatisfactory. At the moment, nearly BGN 10 million of European funds have not been used only for free fruits. For the past year the utilization was only BGN 3.4 million out of the due BGN 7.3 million.

The good idea of introducing standards has met with resistance from the various parties involved in the chain. The parents of the children, for example, have calculated that if they feed the children in the gardens daily with standard food, the fee will increase many times over.

The standards would also create a lot of work for local municipalities, committed to budgets and relationships with suppliers.
