Tomato Juice Not Only Against A Hangover

Tomato Juice Not Only Against A Hangover
Tomato Juice Not Only Against A Hangover

Tomato juice is recommended not only for hangovers, but also healthy. Scientists from Canada have found that two glasses of tomato juice a day strengthens bones and protects against osteoporosis, the English newspaper "Daily Mail" reported.

Tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene, which has already been shown to protect against prostate cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Toronto researchers asked 60 women to exclude all tomato products from their diet for a period of 2 months. In the end, the experts found a significant increase in the levels of the chemical N-telopeptide in their blood, which is released during the breakdown of bone.

In the next part of the experiment for 4 months, the same women had to take plain tomato juice, tomato juice enriched with lycopene, lycopene capsules or placebo. This significantly reduced the content of N-telopeptide in the blood of women drinking juice or capsules.

Benefits of Tomato Juice
Benefits of Tomato Juice

Scientists claim that ordinary juice, which is sold in supermarkets, is no worse for the purpose than enriched with lycopene. The required dose of tomato juice to strengthen bones is two glasses a day with 15 mg of lycopene.

Tomato juice is also a rich source of fructose. Like honey, it accelerates the burning of alcohol in the body. It is therefore recommended to those who overdose on alcohol.

To reduce the risk of headaches, you can combine your drink with natural fruit or tomato juice. A good option is to make a cocktail of honey, lemon juice and tea to drink with whiskey.

Tomatoes are a suitable addition not only to the cold brandy, but also to strengthen the body. In people with low blood sugar, tomatoes are an ideal way to improve general condition.

Doctors in Sendai, Japan, report that fresh tomato juice is extremely effective in raising glycogen. 50% of the dry matter in tomatoes contains various natural sugars. Ripe tomatoes are especially rich in glucose and partly fructose.
