Diet Drinks Increase The Risk Of Diabetes

Diet Drinks Increase The Risk Of Diabetes
Diet Drinks Increase The Risk Of Diabetes

A study conducted by the National Institute for Health and Medical Research in France found that the consumption of dietary soft drinks significantly increases the risk of diabetes.

For 14 years from 1993 to 2007, French scientists studied the eating habits of more than 66,000 middle-aged French women and monitored their health.

The summary results of the study show that the widespread perception that sugary drinks are more harmful than diet drinks is wrong and inaccurate.

The ladies who consume diet carbonated beverages with artificial sweeteners are twice as likely to develop diabetes as women who consume carbonated beverages with sugar.

Carbonated drinks
Carbonated drinks

It turns out that the risk of diabetes in middle-aged women and higher than that of other participants in the survey. Even those who consumed only 1.5-2 glasses of diet drinks per week were three times more at risk than women who consumed only unsweetened beverages.

As consumption increases, so does the risk. Ladies who consume more than 1.5 liters per week diet drinks are 60 times more likely to develop diabetes.

According to the experts who conducted the study, “the people who consume diet carbonated beverages, are at a much higher risk of developing diabetes than others who consume regular soft drinks. '

The World Health Organization shows that 347 million people worldwide suffer from insidious diabetes.

This chronic disease causes serious damage to the eyes, kidneys, blood vessels and nerves.

Until recently, researchers attributed the link between the increased number of diabetics and the consumption of diet drinks with the use of aspartame.

Aspartame is one of the most commonly used artificial sweeteners used in the production of soft drinks. Its effect on glucose and insulin levels in the body resembles that of sugar.
