The Real Paste Does Not Make You Fat

The Real Paste Does Not Make You Fat
The Real Paste Does Not Make You Fat

When we decide to go on a diet, we automatically tell ourselves that we exclude pasta. These include pasta, spaghetti and lasagna. In fact, denials of the information that pasta is harmful. Instead of excluding spaghetti from your menu, experts recommend not eating bread, especially white flour.

In fact the pasta is low in calories - contains 190 calories per 50 g of dry product. In addition, the paste contains a lot of protein - 13 g per 100 g, which helps to melt fat and spare muscle.

Pasta contains slow sugars that burn almost completely, but slowly, giving a feeling of satiety longer during the day. Nutrition experts believe that these slow sugars are especially beneficial for athletes as they restore glycogen stores in the muscles.

Therefore, if you spend a lot of time training, it is best not to deprive your body of paste. In Italian cuisine, pasta is made only from flour and water. Even in some countries, including Italy, Greece and France, there are laws banning the production of pasta with other raw materials, unless explicitly stated.

It is important to know that flour should be made from durum wheat, which is rich in more vitamins and minerals.

To make sure that the paste is of good quality, you can tell by its appearance - it should be smooth, with a uniform golden color. When you break the paste, you will feel like you are breaking glass.

from the real paste does not thicken
from the real paste does not thicken

If you want a real Italian taste, the pasta must be prepared in a certain way. In addition to betting on a quality product, you should also put a lot of water - 1 liter per 100 g and 10 g of salt. The vessel must be large so that the water does not boil. The salt is added after the water boils! Then add the pasta. Do not put a lid and do not stir too much so as not to break the paste.

Often people run to the sink with freshly cooked pasta, you don't. The paste does not wash! It is best to add it to the sauce to absorb it. There are so many different types of pasta that you won't have a whole month to try them all. The important thing is that it is prepared with care and love, and then it will be unearthly delicious.

So don't believe all the stigmas, such as that from the paste thickens. No! On the contrary, it is far more useful to eat quality pastathan white bread or something sweet. What are you waiting for? Make your loved ones happy tonight!
