Nutritionists Have Declared War On Vegetarianism

Nutritionists Have Declared War On Vegetarianism
Nutritionists Have Declared War On Vegetarianism

We have heard so much about the benefits of vegetarianism, and no one says that it can be harmful, Polish nutritionists are outraged.

They think it is absolute madness to be a complete vegetarian - ie. to give up all animal products such as eggs, milk, cheese, butter.

Animal products contain proteins that are necessary for metabolism, growth and reproduction, for all life processes and for the thought process.

In addition, some vitamins and minerals are absorbed by the body only with sufficient protein. In order to exist, our body needs about 20 amino acids in proteins.

He himself can produce 12 amino acids, and 8 should be obtained with food. All proteins are divided into four classes. The first is the proteins of milk and eggs, but they lack some necessary acids.

Next are the proteins of fish, beef and soy - the ratio of amino acids is the best. In third place are plant grains and in fourth place - the proteins of gelatin and hemoglobin.

A number of studies have shown that the human body absorbs 100 percent of egg white. 83 percent of the protein is absorbed from fresh milk, and 76 percent of the protein is absorbed from beef.

Nutritionists have declared war on vegetarianism
Nutritionists have declared war on vegetarianism

The vegetable protein of white wheat flour is absorbed by the body about 52 percent. Animal proteins help us absorb plant proteins.

The elderly person needs 100 g of meat per day to function normally. If you do not eat meat at all, you can get atrophy of the heart muscle.

But there are also people who do not need meat, because their metabolism is a little different. They are very few, but if you do not feel like eating meat, then you are one of them. If you really want to eat meat, do not force yourself to be a vegetarian.
