If You Want To Lose Weight, Include Walnuts In Your Diet

If You Want To Lose Weight, Include Walnuts In Your Diet
If You Want To Lose Weight, Include Walnuts In Your Diet

50 grams of walnuts a day is enough to keep the feeling of hunger under control when you are on a diet and lose the desired weight, a new study shows, quoted by the Daily Mail.

Consumption of walnuts controls appetite and helps with satiety, says Dr. Olivia Fart, head of Beth Israel Dickens Medical Center in Boston.

Eating walnuts during a diet boosts brain activity and makes people more disciplined, scientists say. For this reason, we are less likely to be tempted by junk food.

We knew that walnuts improve the quality of brain activity, but it was a real surprise to find out that they control the feeling of satiety, scientists say.

The discovery came after 10 overweight volunteers underwent a 5-day diet. The first group, along with the healthy breakfast smoothie, was given 48 grams of walnuts, while the second group did not receive nuts.

Participants then underwent magnetic resonance imaging, which showed that the first group had more increased brain activity associated with appetite control.


The volunteers also say they felt fuller after eating some walnuts after the disturbance.

Walnuts are rich in healthy fats, which improve metabolic processes in people with type 2 diabetes. According to the study, adults with this disease should eat 50 grams of walnuts a day on an empty stomach to control insulin levels.

You should also eat the shell of the walnut. The peel has a slightly bitter taste, but try to get used to it. More than 90% of the antioxidants of walnuts are found in the shell, which means that it is healthier to consume this part as well.

Also, for the best impact on your health, always eat nuts that are raw and organic.
