Meat Is As Guilty Of Obesity As Sugar

Meat Is As Guilty Of Obesity As Sugar
Meat Is As Guilty Of Obesity As Sugar

A new study shows that meat consumption contributes to the growing prevalence of global obesity as much as sugar consumption.

According to researchers at the University of Adelaide, fats and carbohydrates can provide us with enough energy to fully meet our needs. In addition, they are absorbed faster than proteins.

The energy provided by the meat is used later, and if there is an excess, it is stored in the form of fat in the body. This means that increasing the availability of meat can make a significant contribution to increasing waist size globally.

Wenpeng Yu, a doctoral student at the University of Adelaide, reviewed data on the presence of sugar and meat and their impact on obesity in 170 countries and found a strong link between the two. After taking into account differences between countries, including the level of urbanization, physical activity and caloric intake, the study found that the share of meat among the causes of obesity is 13%. The proportion of sugar is the same.


Speaking about his research on the university's website, Mr. Yu said: There is a dogma that fats and carbohydrates, especially fats, are the main contributing factors to obesity.

Fats and carbohydrates in modern diets provide enough energy to meet our daily needs. Meat proteins are digested later by fats and carbohydrates. This makes the energy derived from the protein an excess that is converted and stored in the form of fat in the human body.

The study differs from previous studies on the link between meat and obesity, which link the fat content of meat to weight problems. But Mr. Yu says that the protein in meat is the one that is directly responsible for the extra pounds.


Professor Henneberg is the head of the research team for biological anthropology and comparative anatomy. He says the results of their research are likely to be controversial because they show that meat contributes to the spread of obesity worldwide to the same extent as sugar.

We believe that it is important for people to be careful with the overconsumption of sugar and some fats in their diets. Based on our findings, we also believe that meat protein in the human diet also makes a significant contribution to obesity, adds Professor Heneberg.
