Meat In A Tube Will Be The Most Convincing Alternative To Meat Products

Meat In A Tube Will Be The Most Convincing Alternative To Meat Products
Meat In A Tube Will Be The Most Convincing Alternative To Meat Products

In recent decades, more and more companies are looking for an option that perfectly mimics the taste of meat and at the same time is not meat from slaughtered animals. It is believed that the best alternative would be meat in a test tube.

Currently, soy is the only imitation on the market that you can buy if you do not eat meat. But it is far from the true taste of meat products.

According to the Wall Street Journal, in 2016 the revenue from the sale of products imitating meat reached 700 million dollars, and by 2021 will increase to 863 million dollars.

China and Israel are major players in the production of an alternative to meat, and Bill Gates and Richard Branson have invested in the technology.

He claims that the laboratory meat will be a duplicate of the real meat, but no animals will be raised and killed for it, because the in vitro method will be used.

Meat in a tube will be the most convincing alternative to meat products
Meat in a tube will be the most convincing alternative to meat products

The aim is to meet the need for meat products to feed the population, but also to eliminate animal farms, which often use large amounts of antibiotics.

Another advantage of meat in a test tube will be the preservation of natural resources, and the emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere will be reduced.

The hopes are that the new meat production technology will offer us a high quality product, but will also help protect the environment.
