They Also Found Minced Meat With Horse Meat

They Also Found Minced Meat With Horse Meat
They Also Found Minced Meat With Horse Meat

They also found products with unregulated content of horse meat. In the last batch of 25 samples, which was sent to a German laboratory, five of the samples gave a positive result, according to the Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BFSA).

In addition to DNA analysis for the possible presence of horse meat in meat products of Bulgarian slaughterhouses, this time the BFSA requested an additional test for the presence of phenylbutazone and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

He jerked with a horse
He jerked with a horse

The results of all tested products were negative.

After the scandal with the replacement of beef with horse meat covered all countries in Europe and Bulgaria, it intensified its measures for quality control of the raw materials used. The Bulgarian Food Safety Agency sent 100 samples only in March 2013 to various European laboratories in order to determine whether there are products on the Bulgarian market with unannounced label horse meat.

Out of the hundred samples tested, 8 gave a positive result. These are products of some of the largest meat processing companies. Content of horse meat within 1 to 30% was found in the dryer "Bonnie" of Meat Factory Karlovo - 10%, sazdrma "Rosvela" - 5% and sazdrma of the Petrich producer Mes-Co - 4% invested horse meat.

Horse meat
Horse meat

The largest amount horse meat was found in minced meat production of the company Christoph - Hr. Ivanov”- 30%, followed by the record 20% found in the“Burgas”salami of the Part company. The other products with horse meat are those of the Burgas company Val Ves and Co, whose beef sausage and minced meat contained 2 and 9%, respectively.

Experts from the agency believe that the products they contain horse meat, unmarked on the label, are much more than what has been found so far. The reason for this is that a large part of the raw materials for the production of sausages and various meat delicacies are imported.

Minced meat
Minced meat

The opinion of most of the street producers is that the investment of horse meat in the products must have become completely unconscious on their part. They suggest that the main reason for the positive samples is the imported meat and raw materials they use in production.

Horse meat has the taste of beef and its price is lower. But in order to achieve a satisfactory economic result, such as reducing the cost of the finished product, the investment of horse meat must be at least 50% of the total. The samples that gave a positive result show a significantly lower content - between 5-15% content, which excludes such a hypothesis.

All manufacturers whose products have shown the presence of horse meat in their composition, make a full internal inspection of the production and documentation. Initial analyzes show that the presence of horsemeat is not mentioned anywhere in the accompanying documents for imported meat.

Meat producers and meat processors call on the Bulgarian competent authorities to carry out stricter controls and to carry out more research on imported raw materials.
