Exports Of Bulgarian Food Products Increased In

Exports Of Bulgarian Food Products Increased In
Exports Of Bulgarian Food Products Increased In

Exports of products exported by our country increased significantly in 2015. The reason for this is the recovery of the EU after years of crisis.

Sales of Bulgarian goods abroad in the period were just over BGN 45.5 billion. This is 14% more than in 2014, and the amount is so high for the first time.

The increase is the result of the gradual recovery of the European economy. In third world countries the increase is small - 0.6%. The largest increase is in the export of oils and fats of vegetable and animal origin - 40.4%, but there starts from a low base.

Over the past year, thanks to the depreciation of the euro against the dollar, as well as lower oil prices, the competitiveness of European production around the world has increased. With this, the resources available to the countries have increased, which leads to an increase in purchases. Thus, the EU economy rose by 1.8%.

At the expense of the European Chinese economy slowed down, which also appeared as a plus for our country. The last equally important factor for increased exports is the tension in Bulgaria's main trading partners such as Turkey, Ukraine and Russia.

Sales from Bulgaria to the EU increased by 7.9% to a price of BGN 29.1 billion. Belgium, Greece, Germany, Italy, Romania and France represent 69% of consumers of our goods. Only the Belgians have restricted the import of our products, but this can be explained by the fact that the country imports mainly copper and copper products, whose price fell in 2015 by up to 35%.


Despite the minimal increase in exports to third world countries, purchases from Serbia and Macedonia increased steadily, by 15.4% and 8.1%, respectively. However, sales to two of our three main non-EU partners, Turkey and Russia, are falling. Thus, China displaces Russia and ranks second in purchases of our goods. It is assumed that in 2016 the figures will be even better.
