How To Help With Anemia?

How To Help With Anemia?
How To Help With Anemia?

Anemia is a condition caused by low levels of hemoglobin in the blood. It almost always occurs due to a deficiency of iron or a deficiency of nutrients such as folic acid or vitamin B12.

This is one of the most common health problems with nutrition and although it occurs in all people, children and women are most affected.

The good news is that this is a problem that you can fix naturally. All you have to do is yes eat the right foods against anemia and take care of your diet.

To your attention - 7 useful foods for anemia that can to help you fight anemia.

1. Spinach

Foods for anemia
Foods for anemia

Low in calories and rich in essential nutrients, spinach deserves one of the top places in the list of foods useful in combating anemia. It contains a complex of vitamins A and B, which are essential for strengthening the immune system and fighting fatigue.

The content of iron, zinc and calcium in spinach promotes the production of hemoglobin and helps to restore blood circulation, thus improving tissue oxygenation. Ideally, eat at least 75 grams to get 20% of your iron needs.

2. Oats

Except it is source of iron, oats also contain vitamins and antioxidants that are key in treating this condition. The high content of nutrients in oats help to better transport oxygen and nutrients in the body, preventing physical and mental collapse. Eat 2 or 3 tablespoons of oats (20 to 30 g) every day until anemia improve.

3. Eggs

Eggs in anemia
Eggs in anemia

Eating eggs regularly is a habit to keep your body healthy. They contain essential amino acids and minerals that work together to help produce hemoglobin and antibodies. Their nutritional profile helps with chronic anemiawhile controlling symptoms such as brittle hair and nails. Add eggs to your regular diet, it is best to eat them for breakfast. Combine them with orange juice to make nutrients more efficiently absorbed.

4. Lentils

Lentils are one of the best legumes for anyone suffering from anemia. The content of iron helps in the production of red blood cells and any circulatory problems. They contain proteins and antioxidants that help protect cells from breakdown caused by nutritional deficiencies. Consume up to 3 servings of lentils a week.

5. Wholemeal bread

Wholemeal bread for anemia
Wholemeal bread for anemia

Whole grains are an excellent choice if you want to fight the fatigue and weakness caused by anemia. Carbohydrates are a source of fuel for your tissues and cells, which helps maintain your physical and mental performance. Whole grains also contain a small amount of iron. In combination with other foods, it accelerates recovery from this condition. Include wholemeal bread in your breakfast along with lean meat, avocado or fruit.

6. Liver

Diets for the treatment of people with anemia often include beef liver. This type of meat is the main source of easily digestible iron and is therefore one of the best foods for anemia. Eat liver at least twice a week.

7. Nar

Pomegranate for anemia
Pomegranate for anemia

As long as pomegranate does not contain high levels of iron, adding it to your diet can help with symptoms of anemia. Pomegranate contains fiber, potassium and other essential minerals, which together with the counteraction of deficiencies improve circulation and the process of cellular oxidation. By eating pomegranate regularly, you increase your energy levels and help maintain a balance in hemoglobin production. Eat a quarter of a pomegranate a day or enjoy its juice.
