Many Vegetables Fight Anemia

Many Vegetables Fight Anemia
Many Vegetables Fight Anemia

The word anemia means "without blood." If we suffer from anemic conditions, it does not mean that our blood generally decreases, but that the number of erythrocytes and the content of hemoglobin in it is reduced. The main signs that you are suffering from anemia are easily noticeable - darkening of the eyes, general fatigue and tiredness.

There are over 10 types of anemia in medicine. These include sickle cell, thalassemia and haemopolytic. What they all have in common is the level of erythrocytes in the body, which is very low, there is not enough hemoglobin to supply cells and tissues with oxygen. The ultimate fatal outcome of a lack of hemoglobin is serious organ damage, heart attack or death.

In the end, anemia is treatable - either with medication or with the help of wholesome and healthy food. To overcome shortness of breath, paleness, headache, dizziness and inability to cope with basic daily tasks, you need to learn to eat the right products.

Leading in proper nutrition in anemia is the iron content of the foods we eat. Without the right amount of iron, the body cannot produce enough hemoglobin.


If you are in good health, eating right, the risk of developing severe iron deficiency anemia is minimal. If you experience severe and prolonged blood loss, it is necessary to prepare and follow a special regimen with foods rich in iron.

Start from the bottom step - the cooking utensils. Even if you don't believe it, the culinary processing of food in metal containers enriches it with iron.

Foods that are richest in iron, honey and vitamin C include dark green vegetables, cheese, eggs, seafood and fish.

You must include in your menu liver, red meats, such as beef and mutton, as well as any other meat, fish, eggs. Dried fruits, soy products and molasses are proven helpers in the fight against anemia.


Decoction of herbs also has a beneficial effect on restoring hemoglobin levels. The most suitable are watercress, parsley, nettle, coriander leaves and dandelion.

Add additional amounts of onions, garlic, beans, peas, nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables, but without spinach.

Iron is best absorbed by the body when accompanied by amounts - vitamin C. Breakfast of a few eggs and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice is extremely useful.
