4 Foods That Should Not Be Washed Before Cooking

4 Foods That Should Not Be Washed Before Cooking
4 Foods That Should Not Be Washed Before Cooking

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The taste of food never comes ready, it is always the result of a whole string of precise and important preparations. Selection, washing and storage are one of the first prerequisites for the success of any dish. But as almost everywhere, so in the kitchen, every rule has an exception.

And children know that food must be washed before eating. But contrary to the millions of recipes and prescriptions in thick cookbooks, there are foods for which this does not apply. And the reason is that they would lose many of their qualities, which otherwise they are happy to distribute to flavor our dishes.

Here are the four main ones the product you should never wash:

1. Meat

Washing meat
Washing meat

Meat should not be washed. In addition to losing its flavor after washing, you run the risk of becoming infected with many of its bacteria, which otherwise disappear during cooking. When you wash meat, these bacteria, some of which are quite dangerous, get around the sink and hence on your hands.

Therefore, it is best to remove its juice and unnecessary residues before cooking meat using paper towels. Then wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.

This applies to all types of meat - pork, beef, chicken…

2. Pasta

Washing the paste before cooking is not allowed
Washing the paste before cooking is not allowed

You may find it strange to tell someone not to wash the paste and yet many people do. According to chefs around the world, this is a real crime, because thanks to water the product loses starch, namely it helps the perfect "interaction" of the pasta with the sauce.

If you want to wash the pasta, do it quickly after cooking it, and only if you want to prepare a salad with it.

3. Mushrooms

Do not wash mushrooms before cooking
Do not wash mushrooms before cooking

Mushrooms should not be placed in waterbecause they absorb too much fluid.

It is best to rinse quickly and dry with a clean towel.

Do it just before you cook them, otherwise they will lose a lot of their taste.

4 eggs

Eggs are not washed before cooking
Eggs are not washed before cooking

It is a mass practice eggs to wash before use. But this is not necessary, because they have their own substance that protects them naturally from the penetration of bacteria into them.

There is even a belief that when washed, this natural defense cracks and pests enter the eggs more easily.
