Experts: Washed Chicken Before Cooking Can Poison You

Experts: Washed Chicken Before Cooking Can Poison You
Experts: Washed Chicken Before Cooking Can Poison You

The British newspaper Daily Telegraph reports that according to a number of experts, if wash the chicken before you cook it, there is a serious risk of poisoning.

Research by the British Food Standards Agency shows that only half of people know exactly how to cook chicken before it is cooked.

According to the Agency, washing raw chicken will seriously endanger you from food poisoning due to the Campylobaster bacterium, with which water binds during washing. When you wash the chicken, you are actually spreading this bacterium all over it.

Raw Chicken
Raw Chicken

Campylobacter is the most common cause of food poisoning in the UK. 280,000 people a year are poisoned by this bacterium, which is more than cars infected with salmonella, listeria and Escherichia combined.

"The main route of infection is through food and drink. The most common source of this bacterium is infected birds. The bacterium is transmitted to humans through insufficient cooking, but also by washing raw chicken," said Professor Sarah O'Brien of the Institute of Infections. and World Health at the University of Liverpool.

According to her, in order for a person to become infected with Campylobacter, only 100 microorganisms from the bacterium are needed, compared to 10,000 that are needed for infection with salmonella.

Grilled chicken
Grilled chicken

The most at-risk groups at risk for Campylobacter infection are children under the age of 5 and people taking antacids.

When poisoned, the bacterium causes irritable bowel syndrome, which severely weakens the immune system and attacks nerve cells. This in turn can cause arthritis and even paralysis.

Experts advise storing chicken meat packed at the bottom so that it does not drip on other foods.

The chicken is not washed raw, because during heat treatment, all microbes will be washed.

After cooking the chicken, be sure to wash your hands and all utensils you have used with warm water and detergent.
