Foods With Negative Calories For Weight Loss

Foods With Negative Calories For Weight Loss
Foods With Negative Calories For Weight Loss

There are really no foods that do not contain calories. The following are no exception. However, their digestion takes more calories from the body than they themselves contain.

The reason for this is the fact that the process of extracting calories from these foods is more difficult and therefore the body has to work harder on them, thus wasting energy. And this energy is more than received through the food in question.

Of course, if you eat only such foods, it will lead to a lack of necessary nutrients and health problems. Therefore, these foods are a perfect substitute for snacks, which inevitably eat high-calorie things, as well as a side dish to the main course.

These are mostly fruits and vegetables with a high fiber content. They take up so much time and energy to digest that when we eat them, we burn more calories than we ingest. As a result, we lose weight. Here they are:


Cucumbers. In addition to negative calories due to their huge amounts of water in the content, cucumbers contain vitamins K and C, minerals and a compound called silicon dioxide. It helps build and maintain connective tissue, muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones.

Asparagus. Only 20 calories can be found in half a cup of cooked asparagus. In addition, they are rich in vitamins K, A and B, as well as folic acid. B vitamins play an important role in the breakdown of sugars and starches. Therefore, eating asparagus will help regulate blood sugar and prevent type 2 diabetes.


Celery. Exactly 6 calories you will consume with one stalk of celery. In addition, you will ensure your daily intake of vitamin K, vitamin A, fiber, folic acid and potassium. Celery can lower blood pressure, increase immunity, take care of the health of the heart muscle and detoxify the body. Its juice has a purifying and healing effect.

Broccoli. This vegetable, so hated by young children, is extremely useful. Just one cup of raw broccoli contains as much fiber and vitamin C as an orange.

Chilies. Hot peppers contain the compound capsaicin, which is due to their hotness. It provokes the body to burn more calories than usual.

Mushrooms. Mushrooms are considered a heavy and high-calorie food. However, they are super food. Dutch scientists have found that when mushrooms are processed by the body, it produces metabolites that enhance the body's resistance and have the ability to destroy some cancer cells.


Citrus. All oranges, tangerines and grapefruits can significantly help reduce waist circumference. People with higher levels of vitamin C in the body burn 25% more fat while exercising compared to those poor in antioxidants.

Brown seaweed. They are loaded with vitamin K, which helps maintain bone strength. They contain the natural fiber alginate, which blocks the absorption of fats.

Melon. Summer fruit is rich in lycopene, arginine and an amino acid that helps to lose weight.

Berries. Just one cup of the delicious fruit provides more than 100 percent of the required daily intake of vitamin C. Along with other small red fruits, strawberries have excellent antioxidant properties.

The list of negative calorie foods also includes carrots, zucchini, cabbage, dark leafy vegetables, cauliflower, zucchini and, of course, green tea and water.
