Foods With Negative Calories

Foods With Negative Calories
Foods With Negative Calories

In the constant search for an easy way to weight losswhat could be more useful than a list of foods that contain negative calories. Eat food - burn calories, sounds too good to be true.

The theory of negative calorie foods

First of all, foods contain some number calories or energy. All foods also require some energy from the body to be absorbed, and this is where the effect of negative foods comes from. calorie content. If the food we eat requires more energy from the body than it actually produces, then there is a caloric deficit. As we all know this leads to weight loss. According to this theory, you can eat from these products with a negative calorie content as much as you want and not gain weight, moreover, you can lose a few pounds.

Remember: calculate when you cook

Before you run to the store to buy some of these wonderful products, remember that calories are added during cooking. If you fry vegetables with a lot of oil, you fill them with calories and fat. Remember to evaluate all the supplements you add to your diet, taking into account the number of calories you need. To preserve the nutritional value of the products, the best option is to eat them raw. If you still prefer to cook, choose one of the following methods, as they add little or no calories:

1. Cooking

2. Choking

3. Steam cooking

List of foods with a negative calorie content - vegetables:

• Asparagus

• Eggplant

• Beets

• Broccoli

• Cabbage

• Carrots

• Cauliflower

• Celery

• Chicory

• Chilies

• Cucumbers

• Dill

• Garlic

• Green beans

• Onions

• Lettuce

• Radishes

• Spinach

• Tomatoes

List of foods with a negative calorie content - fruits:

• Apples

• Apricots

• Blueberries

• Grapefruit

• Guava

• Lemons

• Mango

• Oranges

• Papaya

• Peaches

• Pineapple

• Plums

• Berries

• Tangerines

• Melon

What about proteins

Proteins and dairy products are not on this list, unfortunately there are no meat products or pasta that have fewer calories than are burned for their digestion by the body. Therefore, it will be quite difficult to consume only foods from the list, especially for a longer period of time. The idea of consuming this type of food is to include them in the diet as a fairly large part of it, and to be balanced with the other products we eat.
