Insulin Resistance And Weight Loss! Which Foods Help

Insulin Resistance And Weight Loss! Which Foods Help
Insulin Resistance And Weight Loss! Which Foods Help

Insulin resistance develops when you lack exercise and when you eat unhealthily.

If you often reach for sweets, fries and other fatty foods, then over time there is a high risk of developing insulin resistance. In such cases, losing weight is more difficult, but with a proper diet you will succeed.

A healthy diet will lower blood sugar levels and the body will release less insulin. When you reach normal weight loss levels, it will no longer be so difficult. You will achieve this with foods rich in fiber. Foods such as beans, barley, soy, lentils and chickpeas break down slowly and keep blood sugar levels normal.

Include whole grain breads, legumes, oatmeal and even bean salad in your menu. The amount of fiber per day is good to be about 30 grams per day.

Other foods that, in addition to eating healthy, will achieve low blood sugar levels are avocados, nuts, olive oil, olives and various seeds. If you want to lose weight, it is not necessary to exclude all fats from your menu, but to choose the right and useful fats such as olive oil. It is useful to consume 1 tablespoon of olive oil a day - in salads, for example.

If you suffer from insulin resistance and you want to lose weight, you do not need to forget about all the sweet foods. You can safely consume dark natural chocolate. According to studies, pure natural chocolate is declining insulin resistance. However, do not reach for milk chocolate, because the effect will be the opposite.

It is good to eat and drink foods and beverages rich in flavonoids. In addition to dark chocolate, strawberries, citrus fruits, blueberries, apples, cabbage, spinach and asparagus are also rich in flavonoids. Green flavonoid drinks include green tea and wine.

To deal with insulin resistance, it is good to eat foods rich in magnesium. Such are spinach, fish, legumes and pumpkin seeds. During heat treatment, some of the magnesium is lost, so it is good to eat raw vegetables.

To deal with insulin resistance and lose weight, focus on whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables (raw) and fish.

If you want to lose weight, do not reach for products that contain white flour. Almost all cakes, cupcakes, bread and other pastries are made with white flour. Also forget about confectionery.

White rice is also banned in insulin resistance. These foods lead to overweight and insulin resistance.

Another group of foods that you should avoid are sausages, dairy products with a high percentage of fat, fatty meats. Saturated fats increase the level of insulin in the body.

Also, don't be tempted to eat at fast food restaurants. The food there contains hydrogenated fats, refined starch and sugar in large quantities. If you visit restaurants of this type you will gain overweight, insulin resistance and many other health problems.
