Tell Me What You Eat So I Can Tell You Who You Are

Tell Me What You Eat So I Can Tell You Who You Are
Tell Me What You Eat So I Can Tell You Who You Are

The love for a certain type of food is rooted in childhood or in another happy period in a person's life, when they have been associated with joy, reward or a sense of security. A real relationship has been established between food addiction and a person's mental state.

Dairy lovers, for example, need caresses and care. This is because these foods are associated with mother's milk and therefore with the period of life in which we have been protected and surrounded by love.


On the other hand, chocolate lovers are quite lonely. There is a lack of love and attention in their lives. Sweet suppresses these feelings. Maybe that's why every second girl resorts to him after a love drama.

Eating pizza
Eating pizza

Our favorite foods are an indicator of specific psychological needs. The attraction to solid foods such as nuts, seeds, solids and more. shows a desire to win.

Favorite food also gives indications of a person's character. Preferring mainly red meats, they are most often aggressive and hot-tempered. Their lives are filled with sudden flights and sudden falls. They always succeed, although their inconsistency often distances them from the goal.

Beer and Pizza
Beer and Pizza

Non-critical partners who do not tolerate criticism. On the other hand, there are those who prefer a more vegetarian diet, relying on fruits and vegetables. They have a calm and balanced character.

Lovers of fat in general are quite agile and playful. They are charming and there is hardly anyone who can resist their charm. Very open in communication, they achieve everything with ease.

People who rely mostly on fish in their menu are extremely calm and reserved. They are steadfast and will never let you down. Those who love especially spicy dishes are extremely temperamental. They crave adventure. They often suffer from selfishness, and their sharp nature does not allow objections.

Lovers of legumes, such as lentils, peas, beans, etc., are people who love home comfort. For them, the main goal is to take care of the family.

Innovators are those who love to eat vegetable salads and whole grains. These people are always vital and are very optimistic.
