Improve Your Peristalsis In A Natural Way

Improve Your Peristalsis In A Natural Way
Improve Your Peristalsis In A Natural Way

Statistics show that the majority of the population of developed countries suffers from diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract. It is the digestive system that is one of the first to begin to lose its functions, leading to the development of various pathologies and diseases.

From ancient times the doctors advised to change the way of life and the diet in order to deal with the diseases.

The good health and functioning of the human body at any age depends on the proper functioning of the intestines. Any disturbance in the digestive system immediately affects human health and becomes a prerequisite for weakened immunity and the development of unwanted pathologies.

How to deal with impaired intestinal peristalsis and restore the normal functioning of the digestive system in a natural way.

To restore intestinal peristalsis, you can use proven folk recipes.

Improve your peristalsis in a natural way
Improve your peristalsis in a natural way

Photo: Sevdalina Irikova

1. Relaxing mixture. To prepare it, you will need 1 tbsp. sprouted grains, 2 apples, 2 tbsp. oatmeal, 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tbsp. crushed walnuts and 1/2 lemon. The apples should be grated on a coarse grater and combined with the other ingredients. Add 2 tbsp. warm water and the juice of half a lemon. Stir the mixture gently and take every day - without restriction.

Improve your peristalsis in a natural way
Improve your peristalsis in a natural way

2. A mixture of dried fruits. For it you will need a total of 400 g of prunes and pitted apricots. Grind the dried fruits and add 2 tbsp. propolis, a packet of the medicinal herb Senna and 200 ml of liquid natural honey. Mix and mix well and take 2 tbsp. every night with a glass of warm water.

Improve your peristalsis in a natural way
Improve your peristalsis in a natural way

3. Decoction of buckthorn. One tablespoon of buckthorn root is boiled with 500 ml of boiling water, allowed to cool and drunk as tea.

Improve your peristalsis in a natural way
Improve your peristalsis in a natural way

4. Plantain seeds. In the intestines, the seeds of this plant swell, help to form feces and easy emptying. Plantain seeds are ground in a coffee grinder and taken before meals 1 tsp.

Improve your peristalsis in a natural way
Improve your peristalsis in a natural way

5. Wheat bran. Take 1-2 tbsp. with water. They contribute to the formation of a sufficient amount of stool and effectively clean the intestines.

As mild laxatives are recommended to drink fruit decoctions, fresh juices, carrot juice, tea from dried apples and cherries, sauerkraut.

In combination with these measures you should not forget about physical activity. Try to move more, take long walks outdoors. Do active sports, run, swim.
