How To Improve Your Immunity In A Natural Way

How To Improve Your Immunity In A Natural Way
How To Improve Your Immunity In A Natural Way

There is almost no person who does not get sick. But for some it happens often, and for others rarely. Most often a person gets a cold or flu - especially during the winter. Then the sunny days are less and shorter. There is a lack of fresh fruits and vegetables that are not grown in an artificial environment.

To reduce the frequency of diseases and increase the body's defenses, largely depends on us. For strengthening the immune system It is important to take vitamins and minerals, best obtained naturally through food, without the need to take them in the form of medication.

This can be achieved with walks in the fresh air, daily exercises to strengthen muscles and proper nutrition. The menu should include low-fat foods and refined sugar. It is necessary to eat more foods rich in carotene, such as carrots, pumpkin, red peppers and tomatoes.

Useful for the body during the autumn-winter season are vegetables from the cabbage family (Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, radishes and turnips), fruits, garlic, yogurt. It is no coincidence that garlic is called a natural antibiotic. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is effective against a number of bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi.

Healthy foods
Healthy foods

Another tool for strengthening immunity is the consumption of fish. As we all know, it is rich in phosphorus and omega-3 fatty acids. These acids help to limit some cellular processes and also increase the body's defenses.

One of the most popular means of strengthening immunity is honey and bee products (royal jelly, glue, wax). Honey is a powerful antioxidant, strengthens the body and increases vitality, destroys or stops the growth of bacteria, and its intake has an antiviral effect.

Food for health
Food for health

Recently, ginger and echinacea have become very popular in Bulgaria, which fight colds and stimulate immunity.
