Foods To Improve Peristalsis

Foods To Improve Peristalsis
Foods To Improve Peristalsis

Peristalsis is a contraction of the muscles of the intestine, it spreads like a wave. For most people intestinal peristalsis is expressed in the gradual contraction of smooth muscle, which helps to move the contents in the digestive tract.

When we have problem with peristalsis, we Bulgarians rely on Bulgarian yogurt. Recently, it has become fashionable to take various nutritional supplements for better peristalsis such as probiotics, prebiotics and others.

Here foods to improve peristalsis:



Bananas contain a lot of fiber and vitamins. They have a prebiotic effect on our health and help us go to the toilet regularly. In addition, they are very nutritious and contain carbohydrates, which satisfies us for a long time. If you combine them with yogurt, even better for your peristalsis.



Leek is a seasonal vegetable that Bulgarians love to eat, especially with sauerkraut. It is used as an addition to various salads and dishes. It contains fructooligosaccharides and helps a lot for impaired peristalsis.

Sour cabbage

Sour cabbage
Sour cabbage

Fermented cabbage, which Bulgarians like to cook in the winter, is a very useful product, not only for our peristalsis, but also our overall health, especially during the cold winter days. It contains many probiotics and nutrients.

Whole grains

Whole grains
Whole grains

Whole grains are rich in fiber and minerals. This helps to reduce body weight, metabolism, frequent visits to the toilet and in general - for better peristalsis. Useful fibers are found in whole wheat, rye, rice, barley, millet and others.



Last but not least, among foods to improve peristalsis is yogurt. It is a natural probiotic and contains Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. Each of the two bacteria has its role in the fermentation process.
