Top 5 Foods For Good Sleep

Top 5 Foods For Good Sleep
Top 5 Foods For Good Sleep

Many people suffer from insomnia and have serious sleep problems and normal sleep at night. This is shown by many recent studies. It turns out that food greatly affects our sleep. Here are the five foods that will contribute to a more peaceful and pleasant sleep.

Number 1: Bananas - Although they are known to increase energy, bananas are rich in magnesium. And it relaxes the muscles, which in turn favors easy sleep.

Number 2: Almonds - Known as an excellent source of healthy fats, they also contain magnesium. It naturally helps to reduce nervous functions and leads to calm and easy sleep.

Number 3: Honey - Just one teaspoon of honey is enough to stimulate the release of melatonin in the brain and reduce anxiety.


Number 4: Oatmeal - Rich in vitamins, minerals and amino acids, promote the production of soporific melatonin.

Number 5: Turkey meat - With its rich protein content, they will easily make you fall asleep.

In addition to the foods you prefer for dinner, there are also foods and drinks that you should definitely avoid. Among them are alcohol in the first place, it is not conducive to good sleep, so avoid it during dinner. Cheese and fatty foods are also not recommended.

They are heavier on the body and are harder on the stomach and digestion. We should also avoid spicy and spicy foods. Last but not least, coffee consumption in the evening is not recommended. It is well known that caffeine has the ability to wake us up rather than put us to sleep.
