Honey Kills Germs And Is Good For Sleep

Honey Kills Germs And Is Good For Sleep
Honey Kills Germs And Is Good For Sleep

It has been proven that microbes die in the presence of honey because they are dehydrated by the high content of potassium in it.

Honey also contains antibiotics, the necessary growth substances for the body and organic acids (malic, citric, etc.).

Honey is one of the first enzymes. They are needed for the processing of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and are produced by the digestive glands.

As a carrier of these enzymes, honey facilitates their work, which is especially important in diseases of these organs. It does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract, is easily absorbed and contributes to the rapid recovery of energy reserves (especially in people engaged in heavy physical labor, children, pregnant and lactating women).

Honey in a jar
Honey in a jar

The bee product puts much less strain on the kidneys than other sugars, has a mild laxative effect, has a soporific effect and has a calming effect on the nervous system.

An important place should be given to honey in children's nutrition. In the first months the child can be given up to 2-3 teaspoons of honey dissolved in warm water.

Taking honey before bedtime (1-2 teaspoons) by children suffering from nocturnal enuresis helps to get rid of this disease.

Much more effective for such conditions is the following recipe - a teaspoon of yarrow and horsetail are poured with a glass of hot water. The infusion should stand for two hours. After straining, add 1-2 teaspoons of honey to the decoction. Drink half a glass.

Honey has also been found to help improve sleep. It is recommended that adults drink a glass of warm water with 1-2 tablespoons of honey dissolved in it. At the initial slight effect or when waking up at night, another spoon can be added.
