Which Spices Mitigate The Harm Of Overeating And Drinking?

Which Spices Mitigate The Harm Of Overeating And Drinking?
Which Spices Mitigate The Harm Of Overeating And Drinking?

Spices are an integral part of national cuisines around the globe. And the traditional Bulgarian cuisine has something to boast about - onions, garlic, horseradish, mustard, and later hot peppers, make Bulgarian cuisine typical of the region.

Spices perform various functions - they provide us with vitamins and enzymes. Their main function is to maintain our normal intestinal flora, and hence to regulate the whole digestion.

If we suffer from gastrointestinal inflammation (gastritis, colitis, etc.), spices are not contraindicated. On the contrary, it is then that they are especially needed as natural antibiotic prebiotics.

In these cases we can use non-irritating stomachs such as dill, mint, basil, mint, fenugreek, barley, coriander, cumin, cumin, fennel seeds, cinnamon, nutmeg, bay leaf, saffron, cloves, a pinch of turmeric.

We should avoid irritants such as onions, garlic, hot peppers, horseradish, black, white and green peppers.

However, there is one spice whose power cannot be replaced or compared to any other. Despite its spicy taste, it does not irritate, but soothes the inflamed mucosa and improves digestion.

This is ginger - the king of spices. This tuber can be taken raw in the form of grated root or dry - powder.

Nowadays, ginger successfully fights digestive problems and gives tangible relief.
