Which High-calorie Foods Are Useful And Which Are Harmful

Which High-calorie Foods Are Useful And Which Are Harmful
Which High-calorie Foods Are Useful And Which Are Harmful

Many of us are probably wondering if it is possible to eat foods that are high in calories and at the same time not worry about our health and largely about our weight. In most cases, these products are not expensive.

Here's a list of some pretty high-calorie but healthy products:

Dried fruit:

Dried fruits have a high sugar content, which only increases the impressive amount of calories that these delicious delicacies have.

Nuts and seeds:

Rich in protein and in most cases antioxidants, nuts are a great addition to your diet. They are full of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Among other things, they are good for the heart and blood circulation. According to many health organizations, 50 grams of walnuts a day significantly reduces the risk of heart attack.



Try to eat one avocado once a week. It is rich in vitamin K, dietary fiber and potassium. One medium-sized avocado contains 161 calories.


It contains calcium and protein, as well as saturated fats.

Olive oil

The olive tree is the oldest cultivated in the world, and olive oil is produced from it. They are good antioxidants and are high in vitamin A, B, D, E and K. Vitamin K helps prevent internal bleeding and reduce menstrual flow. It is vital for proper liver function. Supports better absorption of calcium in the body. Depending on the variety of olive, the oil can have a fairly high content of zinc, iron, lutein (in small quantities helps the overall health of the body).

Brown rice:

Quite a healthy product, which in addition to containing a lot of fiber and protein is also high in calories. One bowl of cooked rice contains 216 calories, so frequent consumption can lead to a slight increase in your weight.

Sugar and sugar products, white flour and pasta, salt, sauces, carbonated beverages, pork, sausages and sausages, chips and alcohol remain the most harmful foods.

Sugar and sugar products:


Let's not forget that white refined sugar is deadly. What's more, in addition to sugar, confectionery is also full of colorants, flavors and various chemical additives. Obesity, diabetes, decayed teeth, arthritis, are just some of the diseases that can cause overuse of white refined sugar. It will be healthier to replace it with fruit, honey or at least brown sugar.

White flour and pasta:

Bread and products made from white flour (muffins, bagels, cakes, etc.) slow down digestion. They are one of the main reasons for the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. We recommend that you forget about white flour and replace it with whole grains.


Excessive salt intake leads to cardiovascular and kidney disease. It also lowers the immune defense against colds. Better to replace it with spices and herbs.

Breakfast in bed
Breakfast in bed

Sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard and the like):

These are chemical-calorie bombs that have no place on your table. They cause different types of cancer.

Carbonated soft drinks:

3 in 1 time bomb - sugar, preservatives and gases. If you break out, you gain extra pounds and gastrointestinal diseases. Drink more water, tea and fresh juices.


Chips should be awarded a special place in the list of the most harmful foods. This mix of carbohydrates and fats, wrapped in artificial enhancers and with the right amount of salt, is a real challenge for your waistline and healthy living. Chips are the best friend of obesity.
