Black Fruits - Which Are Useful And Which Are Dangerous To Eat?

Black Fruits - Which Are Useful And Which Are Dangerous To Eat?
Black Fruits - Which Are Useful And Which Are Dangerous To Eat?

Black fruits are an interesting proposition from nature. They give a specific color and pleasant taste, but it is not always possible to determine what kind of fruit grows among the greenery of the tree or shrub and this makes it difficult to determine the qualities of the fruit.

The black fruit can be very juicy, but not every black-colored fruit is edible. Some of them contain toxins that can cause poisoning.

It is difficult for an uninformed person to know which grain is unfit and which is edible only in appearance. However, there are some external characteristics that distinguish poisonous black fruits from edible ones. We can orient ourselves by the fact that edible fruits are often attacked by birds, and poisonous ones are untouched.

The surface of poisonous is shiny and in appearance they are more attractive than edible, as in mushrooms. Poisonous black fruits they have a reddish tinge and are smaller in size. Their aftertaste is bitter, while the edible ones leave a sweet or sour taste at the end.

Still most edible black fruits are known as the name and type of people. Here are some of them and the benefits they bring.

Black currant

blackcurrant is a useful black fruit
blackcurrant is a useful black fruit

The fruit known as black grapes contains many vitamins and useful substances with its biological activity. In folk medicine it is used because of its diaphoretic, antiseptic, diuretic and general strengthening properties. It is believed to strengthen intellectual abilities. Its most valuable quality is that it prevents the formation of cancer cells. Its application is in jam, for juice, wine, as a fruit drink or for fresh consumption.


This representative of the Rosaceae is a natural aspirin because it is a cocktail of vitamins. It also contains minerals, organic acids that strengthen the body and lower blood sugar.


In addition to vitamins, bilberry also contains polyphenols that repair damaged brain cells. Fruit extract is used for eye diseases. The berry is a medicine for external use in burns and wounds. Jam, sauces and what became known as blueberry jam are real food for the gods.


chokeberry is among the useful black fruits
chokeberry is among the useful black fruits

This black fruit is less known. Its fruit is large, juicy and tart and is used for high blood pressure, thyroid disease and radiation sickness. It is suitable for wine and a refreshing drink.


Extremely juicy mulberry fruits are used for jams, molasses, as well as for direct consumption. The fruit supports metabolism and blood formation. It dulls the appetite and strengthens the general condition.

Dog grapes

When fresh, the fruit is not tasty, so it is mainly used for making jam. Only well-ripened fruits are edible, unripe fruits contain toxins.


Elderberry is suitable for marmalades, jellies, jams and drinks. It is effective in arthritis and rheumatism. Immature fruits are poisonous and therefore elderberry is picked only by people familiar with the plant.

If you want to enjoy the taste and useful properties of black fruits, see how to make chokeberry jam with gelling sugar, blackcurrant syrup and cranberry jam in the oven.
