With These Tips You Will Lose Extra Pounds At The Waist

With These Tips You Will Lose Extra Pounds At The Waist
With These Tips You Will Lose Extra Pounds At The Waist

Let's be honest - a fluffy waist is not just a harbinger of health problems. Purely aesthetically, it is simply not beautiful and spoils our figure.

Fat around the stomach and lower back are associated with the development of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Any waist that exceeds 102 cm in men and 88 cm in women is considered unhealthy.

Here are 6 tips to help you to lose extra pounds at the waist.

1. Do not eat sweets and avoid sugary drinks

Sugar has terrible consequences for the metabolism of any organism. It is composed of glucose and fructose, and only the latter can be processed by the liver, and not completely. When you eat too many sugary foods, it gets clogged and is forced to convert fructose into fat. Thus, the liver becomes obese and accumulates mass around the waist and abdomen. So include fruits in your menu instead of sugar treats. They also contain fructose, but far less than refined sugar.

2. Eat more protein

With these tips you will lose extra pounds at the waist
With these tips you will lose extra pounds at the waist

Protein is super important if you want to lose weight. According to one study, people who eat more protein in their daily diet accumulate less fat in the waist area. So eat more eggs, fish, seafood, nuts, meat and dairy products. You can also supplement your intake with protein shakes powder. Protein also stimulates metabolism and reduces the feeling of hunger.

3. Eliminate carbohydrates

This is the most effective step in the fight against excess weight. It has been proven that if you do not eat a lot of carbohydrates, you will not feel very hungry - at first they saturate a lot, but the body quickly turns them into sugar. And there is a rapid peak in blood sugar, which causes our body to experience wolf hunger. It is no coincidence that the keto diet has become so popular lately - it practically completely eliminates carbohydrates from the menu.

Carbohydrates are pasta, potatoes, rice, jam.

With these tips you will lose extra pounds at the waist
With these tips you will lose extra pounds at the waist

4. Eat foods that are rich in fiber

There are two types of fibers - soluble and insoluble. The former form a thin gel around the food, which slows down the entry of glucose into the blood and thus controls blood sugar. They also slow down the processing of food, which in turn makes us feel full for a longer time. These fibers are contained in the fruit, but it is important that they are consumed whole and not in juice. Insoluble fiber passes through the digestive system intact. They support the regular excretion and elimination of toxins from the body.

5. Exercise is very important

Be physically active and exercise if you want to live longer, stay healthy and avoid diabetes. However, keep in mind that there are special exercises that will help you faster to get rid of the fluffy waist and belly fat. Particularly suitable for this purpose are aerobics, running and swimming.

6. Follow your menu and note what and how much you eat

With these tips you will lose extra pounds at the waist
With these tips you will lose extra pounds at the waist

If you want to lose weight effectively, the consumption of certain foods and the reduction of others will not be enough on their own. Download a phone app that counts calories and look for the optimal calorie intake for your body. This will not happen right away, but it may take you 2-3 months. But if, for example, you eat 200 g of meat a day and you do not achieve the desired effect, it means that you need to reduce the amount.

The means justify the goal, so take the time to measure how much food you put on your plate. This will help you create a healthy menu according to the needs of your body.

And soon you will know exactly how much food you need to achieve the effect of weight loss.
