Mint Protects Against Stress And Brings Restful Sleep

Mint Protects Against Stress And Brings Restful Sleep
Mint Protects Against Stress And Brings Restful Sleep

Mint tea is a very tasty and useful drink. It is most recommended for autumn and spring, as it has the ability to fight colds.

Mint is a perennial herb. The leaves of the plant secrete essential oil. Mint grows on all continents - in Europe, North and South America, Asia, Australia.

Mint has so many beneficial properties that it is considered one of the most beneficial. Peppermint oil soothes stomach cramps, increases appetite, suppresses nausea. It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects.

In grandmother's recipes and folk medicine mint is recommended for dizziness, headache, insomnia, epilepsy, depression. In case of gingivitis, toothache and bad breath, a decoction of mint leaves is also used.

Peppermint oil for massages helps with migraines, headaches, colds, menstrual disorders.


Apart from being an herb, mint is also a weapon against insects. It drives them away and that's why many people keep bags of mint in their wardrobes.

The plant is very useful before bedtime. It is very useful for people who are often nervous or experience chronic fatigue.

If your nerves are on edge and you need to relieve tension, and at the same time enjoy a good night's sleep, here's what we offer: prepare a decoction of a packet of mint tea and one of lemon balm.

After the water boils, let the tea bags soak for at least 30 minutes. Then sweeten with a spoonful of honey.

Drink no more than 3 cups of this tea for the whole day.
