Saffron Protects Against Disease And Depression

Saffron Protects Against Disease And Depression
Saffron Protects Against Disease And Depression

The yellowish-orange spice extracted from the flower Crocus sativus, also called Saffron crocus, has been a favorite of kings since ancient times.

Most of the dishes prepared for royal families included the addition of saffron in their recipes. Although the spice is expensive, a very small amount of it is needed to season the dishes. Saffron, also called Caesar, gives a specific rich aroma and taste to food.

The reason for the high price of the spice lies in the difficulty in extracting it. The plant from which the faffran is extracted loves hilly uneven terrain, and picking flowers is a great challenge.

Once the flowers are collected, the sorting of their stigmas and pistils begins. This takes a lot of time and precision. It turns out that for the preparation of 500 g of saffron need not less than 800 flowers.

Consumption of dishes seasoned with saffron has an extremely beneficial effect on the body.

Healthy ingredients in saffron

Saffron. It is a volatile oil rich in antioxidants. It also has antidepressant and anticonvulsant properties. Saffron is believed to have the ability to fight cancer cells.

Carotenoids. Saffron is rich in carotenoids, such as alpha and beta carotene, zeaxanthin, lycopene. The zeaxanthin contained in the spice is good for the eyes as it prevents macular degeneration (the part of the retina responsible for clear central vision).

Saffron in a bowl
Saffron in a bowl

Alpha-crocin is another carotenoid found in saffron. This compound gives the spice a golden yellow color. The combination of all these substances protects the body from various infections and acts as immunomodulators.

Vitamins. Saffron contains vitamin C, B6 (pyridoxine) and B9 (folic acid). These ingredients protect against colds, menstrual cramps and anemia.

Minerals. The spice is rich in many minerals, including iron, copper, manganese, magnesium. It also contains potassium - a key component of our body fluids and cells, which improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The abundance of minerals contained in saffron make it a good antiseptic, anti-convulsant and digestive agent.

Health benefits of saffron

Saffron is used in many anti-aging creams, lotions, soaps and moisturizers due to its proven good effect on the skin.

According to studies conducted in the UK and India, saffron is also useful for gums, as well as heart disease and lung disease.

In addition, saffron is highly recommended for the following diseases: insomnia; inflammation; digestive problems; asthma; depression.
