Fatty Foods Are More Harmful To Men

Fatty Foods Are More Harmful To Men
Fatty Foods Are More Harmful To Men

We all know how harmful fatty foods are to our health. Usually chips, popcorn, sandwiches and other fast food are avoided more than ladies, as they do not reflect well on their figure. It turns out, however, that it is not women who should worry so much about them, but the gentlemen.

Burgers, donuts and toast are far more harmful to the male brain, the ABC reported, citing a new US study conducted by laboratory rodents.

According to scientists, fatty foods lead to inflammation of the brain in male rodents, while in females this phenomenon is not observed because they are protected from estrogen.

Researchers at the University of Texas Medical Center embarked on the study because an older experiment, conducted exclusively with male animals, found that inflammation in the hypothalamus (the part of the brain that affects energy balance) was caused by palmitic acid.


Palmitic acid is a saturated fatty acid found in animal products and palm oil. It is especially characteristic of fatty foods.

The experts wanted to check whether there was a similar dependence in female specimens. But what happened? After 16 weeks of eating fatty foods, male rodents again showed signs of inflammation in the brain, but female mice did not. It also turned out that male mice were more likely to develop glucose intolerance and had heart problems.

Scientists have been able to prove that a type of estrogen receptor protects the brains of female individuals from inflammation.


According to the researchers, the results are consistent with the statement that pre-menopausal women with high estrogen levels are significantly less likely to suffer from diabetes and cardiovascular disease than men. However, when they enter menopause, the fairer half of humanity becomes more vulnerable to the effects of obesity.

Gentlemen should not only avoid fatty foods, but it is good to focus on certain foods. Tomatoes, broccoli, pears, rice and oatmeal are just a small part of the superfoods for men, experts say.
