The Most Harmful Fatty Meats

The Most Harmful Fatty Meats
The Most Harmful Fatty Meats

Everyone, especially athletes and dieters, knows that consumption of fatty meats is harmful. However, the question arises as to why this is the case which meats are considered fatty and which we should prefer to others.

Here are some ideas of what meat to include in your menu:

1. For fatty meat This meat is considered to be high in fat. This means that it is not a question of whether you should choose between the meat of birds and that of mammals, but which parts of them you should consume;

2. One of the fattest meats is pork, but it can be eaten without any problems if you remove its fat. However, keep in mind that pork leg contains about 300 calories per 100 g, and pork shank and cutlet - about 260-280 calories per 100 g;

3. If you have the opportunity, buy meat from wild animals. Their meat is not so fatty, because the animals are raised in the wild and perform a lot of physical activity, which prevents the accumulation of fat on them. In addition, these animals feed in the wild and are not trampled and fattened with products that are not inherent to them. In short, it matters what the animals you feed on eat;


4. The meat of birds is much lower in calories than that of mammals. However, it is very important whether you eat chicken fillet or chicken leg, for example. If you stop at the second option, be sure to remove the skin;

5. Rabbit meat is quite low in calories. However, if you want to eat a completely diet, keep in mind that most fats are contained under the skin and around the internal organs;

6. Red meat is a very good source of iron, and beef, lamb and chicken liver contain large amounts of extremely useful substances - from vitamin A to zinc;

7. Harmful are all those delicacies that we define as appetizers - sausage, pastrami, smoked meats. They contain a large amount of salt, which has a proven harmful effect on our body;

8. One of the most tender and dietary meats is ostrich meat;

9. Although fish is useful, care must also be taken with oily fish. These include carp, silver carp, herring, salmon and others.
