Which Fruits Increase Fertility In Women

Which Fruits Increase Fertility In Women
Which Fruits Increase Fertility In Women

The word fertility or fertility means the body's natural ability to conceive offspring. In simple words, it is the ability to conceive easily or fertility if it applies to women.

Abundant food has long been thought to be conducive to the birth of new life, but does food really make us fruitful? The connection between what we eat and our ability to reproduce has been the subject of folklore, religious and medical observation for millennia. And for many potential parents, this is a very important question. To be honest, scientists have not yet devised effective diets for conception. However, there is advice based on experience and passed down from generation to generation. Rumor has it that they all work and guarantee early conception.

According to some observations, the increase in carbohydrates in the diet gives women a better energy balance - then they are likely to ovulate more often and therefore have higher fertility. The presence of large amounts of vitamin C supports ovulation and iron absorption. Folic acid plays a major role in both conception and embryonic development. This favorable combination of nutrients is found in the highest degree in fruits. Therefore, their consumption is considered a good stimulant of female fertility.

Which are the recommended ones fruits to increase fertility?

Citrus fruits

Oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits, pomelo - they are all high in vitamin C. In addition to stimulating ovulation, the vitamin is a powerful antioxidant that cleanses the body of toxins and boosts immunity. They are also a good source of folic acid.


In addition to vitamin C, it contains other antioxidants and a good amount of iron, which is of great importance for the expectant mother. It also improves sperm quality in men, improves blood circulation and increases the libido of both sexes.


Strawberries increase fertility
Strawberries increase fertility

In addition to containing vitamin C, which stimulates ovulation, they also increase the libido of both sexes. So, eating strawberries after a romantic dinner, you have a great chance of getting pregnant.

Forest fruits

Raspberries, blueberries, blackberries - contain a lot of antioxidants, including vitamin C. They help the body to renew its cells, which also applies to the reproductive system. Wonderful fruits for high fertility.


Rich in potassium and vitamin B, they nourish muscles and improve the production of sex hormones.


An exceptional source of folic acid, a good source of vitamin C and iron. In addition, they are rich in many ingredients that strengthen overall health and purify the body. They are recommended both before conception and during pregnancy.


Avocado for high fertility
Avocado for high fertility

Vitamin E (tocopherol), which is in good quantity in avocados, has a reputation for helping to implant an egg in the uterus.


They contain large amounts of iron, which is of great importance during conception and pregnancy.


It is rich in zinc, which improves the quality of eggs. It also cleanses the body of accumulated toxins.


A source of manganese, too helps pregnancy. A good source of vitamin C and folic acid.


In addition to being a rich source of vitamin C, their overall health and cleansing benefits are well known.

In general, all fruits are extremely useful for women who are planning a pregnancy. They contain the whole useful range of vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, large amounts of vitamin C and folic acid. In addition, the sugars in the fruit are easily absorbed and carry energy without burdening the body as in sweets. They are a simple and necessary tool for the high quality of eggs and normal ovulation, as well as for the normal development of the fetus in already pregnant women.
