Which Foods Increase The Number Of Red Blood Cells?

Which Foods Increase The Number Of Red Blood Cells?
Which Foods Increase The Number Of Red Blood Cells?

The condition in which the number of red blood cells is lower in the body is known as anemia. It usually occurs with severe blood loss, but can also be due to heavy menstruation and stomach ulcers, also leading to blood loss. Anemia is characterized by weakness, fatigue, discomfort and poor concentration.

The number of red blood cells can be increased with a number of drugs, but we recommend several superfoods that have the same effect. Here they are:


The benefits of beetroot are numerous, but it works wonders when it comes to normalizing blood balance. This type of vegetable is extremely rich in iron. It is prescribed even for people who suffer from iron deficiency anemia. With its help the body is cleansed. Consumption of beets delivers oxygen to the cells in the body, thus increasing the number of red blood cells. It also has a high content of useful fiber, potassium and a number of vitamins.

Black molasses


Black molasses also has a high content of iron, which plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells. In addition, molasses is rich in vitamin B and many minerals. Just one tablespoon of molasses can provide up to 15 percent of the daily recommended dose of iron, and it's a really tasty way to help treat anemia.



Spinach is also very rich in iron. However, it also has a high content of folic acid, which provides additional energy to the body. Just 150 grams of the plant's green leaves provide about 35 percent of the required daily intake of iron and can be easily added to soups or salads or even made into juice.



In addition to being fresh and extremely tasty, this fruit contains a number of important minerals, calcium, magnesium and iron. The high content of vitamin C makes it an even better choice for the treatment of anemia because it helps the body absorb iron faster.



Among other qualities, sesame is recommended for anemia. Of course, this is due to the high iron content. Only a quarter cup of small seeds provide half the amount of iron needed for the day.
