Do You Know How Fat You Really Are?

Do You Know How Fat You Really Are?
Do You Know How Fat You Really Are?

An interesting initiative was started by the British edition of The Guardian - they launched a test on their website, through which everyone can check whether a person correctly determines his physique.

The main question they ask from the publication is Do you know how fat you really are? (Do you know how fat are you?). Everyone should make a choice between five human figures - it starts with a very thin figure, and the last one is called unhealthily fat.

After choosing one of the five figures, one must indicate what his height is and how many kilograms he weighs. In addition, the gender should be noted, and a few seconds later the system informs whether the person has managed to correctly assess which of the five groups he belongs to.

The publication called their idea The Obesity Crisis. The main purpose of this initiative is to check whether people are aware of how much they actually weigh and what their bodies look like.


Men and women are equally obsessed when it comes to weight, according to a British study. It turns out that 50 percent of British men admit that they want to lose weight and follow different regimens to get in perfect shape. However, a quarter of these gentlemen abandon the diet after only one day, according to the study.

To achieve the ideal weight, men are even willing to give up some of their favorite activities - one in three said they will give up watching football in the name of perfect weight.

About a third of men surveyed admit that they have tried to lose weight and have taken an average of three diets in their lifetime. In 35 percent of men, however, the will is not strong enough and after a short period of diet, they give up and begin to eat normally.

However, there are excellent students who last until the last day of the diet - 25 percent of these gentlemen, however, fail to maintain their weight for a long time.

The main mistake, according to experts, is that people become obsessed with this topic and begin to limit themselves from food, but do not exercise. The advice given by nutritionists is to combine the diet with appropriate exercise.
