You're Fat Because You Don't Eat Breakfast

You're Fat Because You Don't Eat Breakfast
You're Fat Because You Don't Eat Breakfast

The first thing a person thinks about at the beginning of a diet is that he will starve. And so gradually the breakfast is excluded from the menu, replacing it with a cup of coffee or tea. But then comes lunch and your stomach shrinks so much that nothing can stop you from eating a piece of chocolate, a biscuit or something else that will raise your blood sugar and bring quick satisfaction.

For this reason, 27% of people who refuse to eat breakfast focus on desserts later in the day. The reason, according to scientists, is the drop in blood sugar.

An interesting study of 2,000 people found that one in ten people do not eat breakfast. However, scientists say that this can be a bad joke, especially for those who want to have a perfect figure.

The study found that people who do not eat breakfast at least three times a week are more likely to abuse chips and chocolate later in the day.


The study also found that the lack of breakfast makes a person consume 252 kcal more per day, unlike people who take time for the first and most important meal in the morning. Also in one year they can gain up to 12 pounds.

The analysis of the volunteers shows that 30% of them are not hungry so early, 23% prefer to use the time for sleep, and the remaining 12% do not think about breakfast at all.

However, it turns out that 45% of those who miss breakfast admit that they are hungry before lunch, 30% complain of fatigue and lack of energy, and 14% reveal that they are in a worse mood.

Breakfast has always been considered an important part of the daily menu. Experts believe that it should be rich in fiber, fruit and low-fat milk.

Thus, the body will be full of energy and strength to cope with daily commitments, as well as an abundance of antioxidants to successfully fight disease.
