Fat Doesn't Make You Fat

Fat Doesn't Make You Fat
Fat Doesn't Make You Fat

We need fat to survive. Without them, the body will not function properly. Eating fat does not mean that you will directly gain weight. What makes us fat are the amounts we ingest.

And this applies to both fats and carbohydrates, and even protein. The secret to healthy eating and fat intake, which makes our meals tastier, lies in distinguishing between good and bad fats.

There are three main types of fats: saturated, unsaturated and trans fats. Saturated ones can be found mainly in animal products (meat, poultry and dairy products), while unsaturated ones come mainly from plant sources (nuts and oils).

Trans fats are those that are artificially created and can be found in a variety of foods (margarine, baked goods and snacks). Unlike eating foods that contain mainly one type of fat, meals contain a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fats.

Unsaturated (healthy) fats are those that come from plant sources. Most oils, nuts, avocados and other plants are rich in them. Fish is also rich in unsaturated fats. Saturated (harmful) come from animal products, from dairy (milk, cheese, cream) and from meat (beef and pork).

Trans fats (the most harmful) are in everything containing hydrated or semi-hydrogenated oil. These are margarine, baked goods and other things to eat, but they are not the only sources, so read the ingredients carefully.

All sources of fat contain the same amount of calories (9 per 1 g), so even if you eat mostly healthy, it can also lead to weight gain. Choosing healthy fats will not make you weaker, but healthier.
