You Need To Know This If You Are Cooking With Alcohol Or Flambéing

You Need To Know This If You Are Cooking With Alcohol Or Flambéing
You Need To Know This If You Are Cooking With Alcohol Or Flambéing

The purpose of cooking dishes with alcohol is to keep the taste and aroma of the drink after it has evaporated. It is very important not to use cheap wine, but to add good and aromatic wine.


- In a main dish, which is enough for 6 people, put 200 ml of wine or beer;

- In the preparation of cakes is enough only 1-2 tablespoons;

- When we use alcohol when cooking a dish, it is put in the beginning so that it can evaporate. Thus only its aroma and taste remain;

- Each type of dish has a specific type of alcohol, which is suitable because alcohol gives a slightly sour, bitter or sweet taste.

Suitable alcohols according to the type of meat

- For red meat - red wine;

- For fatty red meats - tart red wine;

- For fish, crabs or chicken - white wine;

- For light cream sauces - white wine or vermouth;

- For sweet desserts - rum, cognac, liqueur, sweet white wines or vermouth.

When is alcohol added to the dish?

- To avoid crossing when cooking with dairy products, cream or eggs, the wine is added before them;

- In order not to feel the taste of the wine and its aroma to be softer, it is placed at the beginning of cooking, and the selected - if you want a more intrusive taste of wine - put it at the end of cooking;

- The wine is added to the pan to the fat of fried meat and so a quick sauce is obtained;

- After the wine is used, it is stored in the refrigerator.

When flambéing:

- To make sure that the alcohol will evaporate completely after its ignition, it is necessary to first heat it enough;

- In order to flambé the food, it is also necessary for it to be hot;

- Alcohols with higher concentrations such as rum, cognac and some types of liqueurs are suitable for flambéing. Beer and wine are not suitable;

- Fruit brandy is used for flambéing of fruits and vegetables, for meat - whiskey or cognac, for strongly seasoned dishes - vodka;

- Precautions against burns is to flambé in a deep pan and the matchstick to be long;

- The alcohol for flambéing is not poured directly from the bottle;

- The bottle does not hold while flambéing because the flame may bounce next to it.
