You Are Fat Because You Like Salty

You Are Fat Because You Like Salty
You Are Fat Because You Like Salty

Eating too much salt can lead to obesity, no matter what the daily calories you eat. A new British study has shown that with every extra gram of salt a person eats, the risk of obesity increases by 25 percent.

It is a known fact that excessive salt consumption is associated with high blood pressure. This makes the spice a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. The study by the team of English scientists from the Queen Mary University of London is the first of its kind, which proves the direct connection between salt and excess weight, writes the Daily Mail.

According to Professor Graham McGregor, head of the study, salt alters the metabolism in the human body, making it harder to absorb fat.

The results of our study clearly show that salt intake is a potential risk factor for obesity and energy intake, says McGregor.

The study, which lasted more than seven years, involved more than 1,200 volunteers between the ages of 10 and 70. The experts analyzed the urine of the participants in the experiment every 24 hours. The samples were then compared to the weekly caloric intake.

Salty foods
Salty foods

The results showed that the salt content in the urine was higher in people who were overweight. Thus, scientists have come to the conclusion that with each additional gram of salt increases the chance of gaining extra pounds by 20 percent.

The food we eat right now is the biggest cause of poor health due to its high salt, fat and sugar content, says Professor McGregor.

However, the results of the study have been subjected to devastating criticism from the scientific community. According to a number of nutritionists, the findings are unreliable due to the fact that the volunteers in the study were not observed, and they themselves said what and when they consumed.
