Fish And Lentils Rejuvenate The Heart

Fish And Lentils Rejuvenate The Heart
Fish And Lentils Rejuvenate The Heart

Heart disease is taking the lives of millions of people in developed countries. In Bulgaria, these diseases are a major cause of death.

Our country ranks first in Europe in the number of heart attacks and diseases of the cardiovascular system, according to alarming statistics.

Diet is very important for good heart health. Regular exercise is the other half of the healthy heart equation. They keep cholesterol and weight low and help regulate blood pressure.

Soluble cellulosic substances are useful. These are foods such as oats, apples and pears, peanuts, beans, lentils, and whole grain breads and cereals.

They help lower the level of low-density lipoprotein - bad cholesterol, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.

Folic acid is found in green leafy vegetables, beans and lentils. It lowers the level of homocysteine in the blood - an amino acid that can increase the risk of heart disease.

You can get omega-3 fatty acids from nuts and fatty fish. They prevent clogging of the arteries, help to relax narrowed arteries and reduce very low-density lipoproteins - fats in the blood that are thought to be linked to cardiovascular disease.

Monounsaturated fats are found in foods such as olives, olive oil, seed oils and nuts. They can reduce the risk by lowering blood cholesterol levels.

In addition, unlike polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats are more resistant to oxidation - a process that causes damage to cells and organs.
