Storage And Canning Of Beans, Peas And Lentils

Storage And Canning Of Beans, Peas And Lentils
Storage And Canning Of Beans, Peas And Lentils

Ripe beans and lentils

Ripe beans and lentils can be stored in a cool, dark place in a closed container. In this way you will keep the products edible for about a year. If you want to preserve lentils and ripe beans, they must be pre-cooked.

Green beans

The green beans are canned. It should not stay too long before you start the canning process. If you want to store it for a long time in order to prepare a dish with it, the technology is as follows - full jars with pre-cut pods into 3 cm pieces and add 1 teaspoon of salt to each jar, pour water and boil about 60 - 70 minutes (depending on the size of the grains).

Green Beans
Green Beans

If you want to preserve the beans for salad, you need to blanch the whole pods for about 3 minutes and then immediately cool them in cold water, after it has cooled, arrange it in jars and cook it using the same technology as for dishes. The only difference is that the pods are arranged whole.


To store fresh peas, it is necessary to freeze them in order to preserve the sugar content, which prevents them from turning into starch. Another way to store it is to blanch the peas for one or two minutes and then freeze them.

To preserve peas, they must be young, the pods must be healthy and clean. The peas that you think you can preserve should not stay for more than a day. You pea the peas from the pods, being careful not to hurt them. You need to be careful and precise in this process.


Then wash it well and let it stand in cold water. You can separate the large grains from the small ones, but it is not a prerequisite. The next step is blanching. In boiling water put salt, which is about 5 g per liter of water, add peas, simmer for about 3 minutes.

Here everything already depends on the size of the grains. After removing it from the boiling water, water it with cold water. After it cools, pour it into jars and fill it with hot solution - per liter of water, put 20 g of salt.

Fill the jar about 1.5 cm from the top edge. Close the jars and put them to sterilize. The duration of the process lasts depending on the size of the peas, but not more than 80 minutes.
