Prunes Rejuvenate And Energize

Prunes Rejuvenate And Energize
Prunes Rejuvenate And Energize

Everyone knows the benefits of dried fruit. Today, prunes are not a guest on our table only during the Christmas holidays, but can be bought all year round. Prunes are the most consumed of all dried fruits.

To get prunes juicy, they are first blanched in boiling water and then dried in special steam dryers. Their useful properties are determined by their composition. They have pectin, sugar, protein, cellulose and organic acids.

Prunes are rich in vitamins B1 B2, C, PP, provitamin A. In addition, they contain valuable substances such as potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. Dried prunes retain all the substances contained in fresh fruit.

The rich vitamin composition of prunes has a beneficial effect on the body. They are recommended for beriberi. They are believed to be necessary for the proper functioning of the stomach.

A dozen prunes a day and you can say goodbye to digestive problems. This is especially helpful for people who complain of the inconvenience of chronic constipation.


Prunes are also useful for those who want to lose a few extra pounds. They have pronounced dietary properties and help to gently and gently cleanse the body.

Prunes are again useful in various diseases of the oral cavity, as they have a pronounced antibacterial activity. They help to normalize blood pressure and restore performance.

According to recent research, prunes are also rich in antioxidants, which has a rejuvenating effect on the body. You do not need to eat prunes just like that.

They are an indispensable ingredient in many dishes and drinks. They are added to salads, meat dishes, vegetable dishes and compotes. They can also be added to stewed rice with meat, giving it an amazing taste.

One of the most popular desserts with prunes is to combine with whipped cream. This delicacy is very popular with children, but you must remove the stones in advance.

Then pour boiling water over the plums and leave for ten minutes. Remove, dry and place a walnut in place of the stone. Then arrange in bowls and generously cover with whipped cream and sugar. Garnish with chocolate shavings.
