Lose Weight Fast And Long Lasting With The 5 On 2 Diet

Lose Weight Fast And Long Lasting With The 5 On 2 Diet
Lose Weight Fast And Long Lasting With The 5 On 2 Diet

Modern nutritionists can offer you an extremely wide variety of weight loss regimens. However, being overweight is becoming a serious problem for more and more young people, and healthier nutritionists continue to look for the ideal diet to help more men and women who are obese.

One of the newest diets that has managed to popularize worldwide is the so-called 5 on 2 diet. It is based on 5 days in which a normal diet is observed, as well as 2 days in which calorie intake is reduced. During the restriction period, ladies consume up to 500 calories, and gentlemen - 600.

By alternating these two phases of the diet, people who follow it will be able to lose weight without being subjected to prolonged deprivation and torture. That is why this way of eating is much healthier and more gentle for our body.

And although the 5-on-2 diet has recently made a splash, nutritionists point out that this diet is not really new to humanity, but is borrowed from practices that societies have had since time immemorial.

Bean salad
Bean salad

These are the days of fasting and abstinence, which our ancestors alternated with extravagant parties. Even today, such periods are present in Christianity and various other religions.

Humans are not designed to consume large amounts of food all the time. If we follow the example of our ancestors and start periodically limiting our eating, we will achieve rapid and long-term weight loss, scientists say.
