We Are Gaining Weight Because Of Food Packaging

We Are Gaining Weight Because Of Food Packaging
We Are Gaining Weight Because Of Food Packaging

The substances contained in food packaging have recently become increasingly criticized by scientists. They have been blamed for a number of health problems, but are now being cited as an enemy of our diet.

Even low concentrations of chemicals in the packaging of some foods can cause hormonal imbalances, and hence problems with our weight, according to a new German study, quoted by the Daily Express.

The packaging of some goods contains the so-called phthalates. Their task is to make the material more plastic. It turns out that they get into our body through the packaging of sausages such as salami, sausages, sausages and dairy products such as cheese and cheese. At the same time, scientists point out that they can also penetrate our skin, as they are contained in tablecloths, with which we invariably come into contact.

The study showed that under the influence of phthalates, the amount of unsaturated fatty acids in the blood increases and there are disturbing changes.

According to the authors of the present study, even the slightest contact with phthalates, can lead to changes in metabolic processes. Which in turn are associated with burning calories and stacking rings.

Of course, weight gain is just one of the problems that experts associate with food packaging.

Food chairs
Food chairs

A recent Swiss study found that cereal boxes contain toxic chemicals that may cause cancer. In addition to cereal boxes, these substances are also found in the packaging of rice, spaghetti and pasta.

At the same time, it is clear that plastic packaging can have an adverse effect on human fertility.

The substances contained in plastic have a detrimental effect on our fertility, many doctors are adamant.

Experts agree that both plastic packaging, in which semi-finished products are stored, and disposable cups, in which many have contact every morning while drinking their coffee, are equally harmful to health.
