Durability Of Oil And Butter

Durability Of Oil And Butter
Durability Of Oil And Butter

The oil should be stored in the dark - so it will retain its properties longer. If you store it in the light, direct light will adversely affect its properties.

It will still be usable, but it will not be as useful for the body as if you store it properly.

The best temperature for storing oil is 5 to 20 degrees. The oil must be kept out of contact with water and metal in order to be stored for a longer time.


After opening, the oil should be stored in the refrigerator. It is best if you store the oil in a glass bottle. The oil is stored for 5 to 10 months.

To keep the oil longer, you can put five beans at the bottom of the bottle. Once you open the oil bottle, you should use it for about a month.

The oil is a major source of fat-soluble vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that protects the body from atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Durability of the oil
Durability of the oil

Vitamin E is important for the immune system, liver, reproductive and endocrine systems. It has a good effect on memory. Another useful ingredient in the oil is unsaturated fatty acids.

When the oil is heated strongly, it loses its useful properties, so it is good to use it mainly for flavoring salads.

Cow's oil is good for the body, as long as it is not overdone. Excess oil has a bad effect on the body. The oil is absorbed at 96 percent due to the low melting point of milk fat.

The oil contains important vitamins - vitamins A, E and D. The oil contains about 20 percent water, in addition - proteins and carbohydrates, as well as minerals.

The shelf life of fresh butter in the refrigerator is 15 days. At a temperature of 0 degrees the oil is stored for one month, and in the freezer - for two months.

Sometimes salt is added to the butter to extend the shelf life. Such oil can be stored for three months in the refrigerator. If preservatives have been added to the oil, you just have to look at the shelf life.
